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Help create our community plan!
The Town of Chautauqua and Village of Mayville are working together on an implementable comprehensive plan to lay out shared visions, priorities and action steps for the next decade.
The more people we can involve,
the more vital our plan will be.

What we're hearing
Survey response
"I would create a real beach and summer destination utilizing the park for individuals and families to spend an entire day. It could then be woven into getting convenient access to all of the Village Shops and services (including carting the people up Main Street and back for shopping throughout the day)."
Survey response
"More engagement at community level to chart the path forward towards our future. While Mayville has done well in providing services, there is opportunity to use best practices in providing services to the community which need to be updated."
Survey response
"Restore the uptown area with stores shops and Maybe bed and breakfast inns on the curve to the lake. Can that service center be relocated to a location that doesn’t hurt the charm and beauty of the lake, Mayville’s greatest asset?"
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